Hansel, Johannes, and Lydia Kaiser. Literaturrecherche für Germanisten: Studienausgabe. 10th ed. Berlin: Schmidt, 2003. 280 pp. (Former title: Bücherkunde für Germanisten: Studienausgabe.) Z2235.A2 H3 [PT84] 016.43.
An annotated guide to reference works (primarily in German) important to the study of German language and literature. The approximately 1,528 entries are organized in two classified divisions: Internet sites; print and electronic resources. The latter has subdivisions for general reference works on linguistics and literary history and scholarship (with sections for general literary and linguistic studies, German language and literature, and general reference works), closed bibliographies (general bibliographies of scholarship on language and literature, German language and literature, general topics), serial bibliographies of scholarship (general bibliographies of scholarship on language and literature, German language and literature, bibliographies of bibliographies), other serial bibliographies (national bibliographies, dissertation bibliographies, bibliographies of periodical articles), periodicals, and professional topics. Each subdivision is preceded by a comparative overview of works, but the annotations tend to be very brief descriptions of scope and content. Two indexes: persons and titles; subjects.