
Guides to Primary Works


North, John S. The Waterloo Directory of Scottish Newspapers and Periodicals, 1800–1900. 2 vols. Waterloo: North Waterloo Academic, 1989. Phase II of the Waterloo Directory Ser. of Newspapers and Periodicals, England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, 1800–1900. Z6956.S3 W38 011′.34′09411.

A bibliography and finding list of several thousand serials published in Scotland during the nineteenth century. Publications are listed alphabetically by earliest title or issuing body for nonspecific titles; liberal cross-references cite alternative titles, issuing bodies, wrapper titles, nicknames, and many subtitles. Main entries record, when possible, titles; subtitles and title changes; series, volume, and issue numbering; publication dates; places of publication; editors; proprietors; publishers; printers; size; price; circulation; frequency of publication; illustrations; issuing bodies; indexing; departments; religious or political perspectives; miscellaneous notes; mergers; references to studies or histories; subject matter; and locations in about 111 collections in England and Scotland. Many entries are accompanied by a facsimile of a title page. Three indexes: subjects; persons (including corporate names); places of publication. The Waterloo Directory, about 85% of whose entries are based on the actual examination of runs, offers the most accurate and complete accumulation of information on Scottish serial publications. The extensive indexing makes essential sources for the study of nearly all facets of nineteenth-century Scottish life and culture readily accessible for the first time. An indispensable work that supersedes all earlier bibliographies listing nineteenth-century Scottish periodicals and newspapers and that—like its companion, Waterloo Directory of Irish Newspapers and Periodicals (N3000)—stands as an example of the kind of guide needed for serials of other countries and periods.

Since locations are restricted to selected English and Scottish collections, consult the following for additional holdings: Fulton and Colee, Union List of Victorian Serials (M2530); Ward, Index and Finding List (M2535); Union List of Serials (K640a); British Union-Catalogue of Periodicals (K645a); and WorldCat (E225).