In this activity, we will learn how to use metadata to categorize our posts.

Adding Categories to Post

To first start categorizing our posts, we need to edit each of our posts, adding them to a category. You can use multiple categories for each post, as you see fit.

For instance, I could categorize a first post into two categories:

title: About Me
  name: Dr. Pilsch
  url: ""
- about
- welcome


That will create two categories about and welcome. If I use them again on different posts, I will add more posts to each category. If I define a new category in a different post, it will become a new category for the whole site. You can generate as many categories as you need.

Note on Uppercase vs Lowercase: It doesn’t really matter if you name your categories in uppercase (About), lowercase (about), or in all caps (ABOUT), as far as Jekyll is concerned. However, it is best practice, as far as building a neat and tidy information space, to be consistent. If you use all lowercase for one category, use it for all of them.

Showing Categories on Posts

Like how we added a menu to our layout in the previous exercise, we can add categories to our site by editing our template’s functions.

For the primer theme, once again, I would edit the _layouts/default.html. Most other themes have a separate _layouts/post.html layout for blog posts; that is the one you would want to edit.

The code to add is:

{% if post %}
    {% assign categories = post.categories %}
{% else %}
    {% assign categories = page.categories %}
{% endif %}
 {% if categories.size > 0%}
    <p><strong>Posted In</strong>: {{categories | join: ', ' | capitalize }}</p>

This will print the categories as a list joined by commas.

Making the Category Page

We can also present a page with all our posts sorted by category. To do this, we create a page, say categories.html. We can add the following content to it:

layout: default
<h1>Posts by Categories</h1>

  {% for category in site.categories %}
  {% capture category_name %}{{ category | first }}{% endcapture %}
  <li>{{ category_name | capitalize }}
    <ul>{% for post in site.categories[category_name] %}
      <li><a href="{{ site.baseurl }}{{ post.url }}">{{post.title}}</a></li>
      {% endfor %}
  {% endfor %}

We could then add a link to categories.html to our menu and have that available to help our users navigate our site.

Your Challenge for the Week

How might you categorize your posts? Add categories to your blog posts, install a categories page, and add it to the site menu you made last week!

Good luck!